Friday, November 29, 2019

Globalisation free essay sample

Globalization is not a single concept that can be defined and encompassed within a set time frame, nor is it a process that can be defined clearly with a beginning and an end. Furthermore, it cannot be expounded upon with certainty and be applicable to all people and in all situations. Globalization involves economic integration; the transfer of policies across borders; the transmission of knowledge; cultural stability; the reproduction, relations, and discourses of power; it is a global process, a concept, a revolution, and an establishment of the global market free from sociopolitical control. Globalization encompasses all of these things. It is a concept that has been defined variously over the years, with some connotations referring to progress, development and stability, integration and cooperation, and others referring to regression, colonialism, and destabilization. Despite these challenges, this term brings with it a multitude of hidden agendas. An individual’s political ideology, geographic location, social status, cultural background, and ethnic and religious affiliation provide the background that determines how globalization is interpreted. We will write a custom essay sample on Globalisation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These are some of the factors that contribute to globalization, the internet, World Bank, worldwide satellite technology mass media and mobile phones, government investing in abroad bilateral aid, transnational more powerful than any state, shrinking world role of air transport super freighters. DEFINITIONS Larsson, (2001), stated that globalization is the process of world shrinkage, of distances getting shorter, things moving closer. It pertains to the increasing ease with which somebody on one side of the world can interact, to mutual benefit, with somebody on the other side of the world. Apart from that Globalization, is also a growing phenomenon that can be described as a â€Å"shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy† (Hill 7). Furthermore, Mirza. (2009). has his own definition which stipulates that Globalization as a process by which various cultures, societies and economies through a global network of trade and communication become integrated in all respects. Besides that Branson R. (2007) also says Globalization is the process by which geographic constraints on economic, social and cultural arrangements recede, thus increasing our global interdependence. The internet. The Internet provides a cheaper, faster and easier method of communication, an alternative that has created a â€Å"global audience† as articulated by Ruggiero, (2008, 06). In assessing the cost of long distance phone calls versus that of online voice chat sessions, the Internet is much more affordable and also superior in quality. Many web users now possess web cameras, microphones, and all the software necessary to support this hardware. This allows users to speak, see, and be seen by the person they are having a conversation with. People from Asia can carry conversations with Europeans, Americans or Africans at the same time, at no extra cost on Msn Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, or MIRC. Communication is also faster online. An e-mail is sent and received by the other party in seconds, as opposed to regular mail, which may take months to reach its destination when sent over the ocean. Thus, people all over the world can stay in touch on a regular basis, communicate online everyday and even share files. When factoring in the ease of use of the Internet, it is easy to see why so many individuals prefer communicating this way The role of internet has a lot to contribute to the economical aspect or impact of the media. With the share market and the online trading and banking facilities people have started shifting from the conventional ways of doing things to this modern easier and hustle-free method. The term globalization in economics is about the different aspects of cross-border transactions, free international capital flows, portfolio investments, diverse and rapid blending of technology. The theory of globalization states that it enhances prosperity in terms of the economic development of the country and leads to proficient allocation of resources, which in return leads to more employment higher standards of living, more outputs and lower prices, as mentioned in site: Globalization of Media. The internet facility provided by the media channels help the users (viewers) to be able to update themselves from wherever they are. The news provided through the internet is mostly updated at every instance and is more precise and easier to find than other sources of the media. The role of internet in the cultural and traditional aspect is quite prominent. Globalization has an immense effect on the cultures of the different countries, as mentioned in site. The Role of Media in the Society. It has always had a very deep impact on the cultural identity. The free flow of information, speedy progress in the field of technology, transportation and communication has converted this world into a â€Å"global village†. Cortwell says the internet played a key role for globalization to become possible. Before the internet was implemented for general use, small to medium enterprises were pretty much limited to the local market. For a company to go international it had to be big and that meant a considerable financial investment. Communication between businesses from different countries proved to be expensive and erratic at best. All of that changed when the internet became available to the public. The internet allowed businesses to grow and expand in ways that we only dreamed of a few years ago. The internet also paved the way for new businesses to be born. The internet made it possible for businesses around the world to reach out to each other and form partnerships. It allowed economies around the world to become more interconnected. Information between businesses was relayed with unprecedented speed and accuracy. This allowed for faster and more efficient delivery of products and services. The internet allowed businesses regardless of the scale to compete with bigger companies on a global scale. Businesses were able to reach and tap a broader market since they are no longer limited to the local market because of the distance or financial capacity. Besides that Cortwell further says the internet has definitely transformed the way the world does business from small to large scale ventures. Hence, it has not only encouraged the growth and innovation of an individual to earn profit but has also developed a sense of interconnectedness amongst countries doing such business: the kind of business we could have never imagined possible decades ago. The internet has had an important role in connecting people. It allows people in countries around the world to instantly contact each another through email, chat programs and video calls. This instant communication has revolutionized business and social lives. Satellites are also used to provide information on weather patterns around the world; tracking hurricanes or tropical cyclones. This information helps meteorologists make better predictions about the weather and also warn the public of any dangerous weather systems. In addition to the internet, mobile phones, voice mail, and text messaging allow instant contact across states and countries. In 2003, 31 percent of 10- to 14-year-olds owned a mobile phone and almost half of Australias 10- to 14-year-olds sent text messages every day. The World Bank. World Bank is an international organization whose original mission was to finance the reconstruction of nations devastated by world war two. Now, its mission has expanded to fight poverty by means of financing states. Its operation is maintained through payments as regulated by member states. Bank provides long term loans, grants, and technical assistance, to help developing countries implement their poverty reduction strategies. As such, World Bank financing is used in many different areas, from reform of health and education sector, to environmental and infrastructure projects, including dams, roads, and national parks. Low-Income Countries – Debt relief would be given to the low income countries and the process should get going vigorously. It is here that the World Bank has a vital role to play by working with governments and ensure strong governance, effective judicial systems, and a robust financial system. All these would help fight corruption. If these initiatives are not taken, attracting foreign and domestic investment would be difficult and thus globalization shall fall back upon us. Middle-Income Countries – Statistically, 80% of the worlds poor live in middle-income countries. These are the countries which require utmost help for a strong financial stability. For that, the structural and social reforms should be in place for the next stage of development. The mission of tackling global poverty is the main agenda and the only important tool to achieve overall development. World Bank focuses on, Giving advisory services, Creating the right policy and institutional framework, Addressing weaknesses in the social, structural, and spectral policies, secure long-term funding. World Bank provides loans to governments and public enterprises, always with a government (or sovereign) guarantee. The funds for this lending come from a combination of the repayment of past loans and the issuing of bonds on the global capital markets. It lends to countries at interest rates that are usually still quite attractive to them, by adding a small margin (about 1%) to its borrowing costs to cover administrative overheads ( Wolfensohn ,1995–2005). Worldwide satellite technology television and mobile phones. The television acts as an eye opener to the viewers. The role of television in the media globalization has made a remarkable impact on the society. There are both sides to it negative as well as positive. However, the positive effects of the television are being touched by the audience more than its negative points. In today’s world almost every house has an access to television and over the years the accessibility has increased immensely. This press media has become a source for promoting, projecting and supporting the process of providing information such as, news and cultural and traditional country views. In terms of political aspects the television has a lot to add to. The viewers can be made aware of the political issues sensitive topics concerning the nation. The television can provide its viewers with important facts and information concerning the democracy and the political system which can help us make better decisions as mentions in site: (Skinner, Alex amp; Hafz, Kai). At the same time it gives us the overall picture of what is happening in the rest of the world. A lot can be understood and adopted through movies as well. Movies depict the various issues of the society and politics and it greatly influences the viewers and a lot of the time leaves them thinking about the social and political issues and acts as an eye-opener. The economical aspect is highlighted by the television through advertisements and the news channels giving updates on the share market, brokers and stocks. The advertisement in a way makes us consumers and helps to make us aware of all the suitable options available for us in the market. This is not just restricted to advertisements of clothing or grocery but at the same time about pension plans and banks. In fact with television one needn’t always go to the stock markets or keep waiting for the newspaper for the stock conditions but can keep oneself updated with the television news channels. Just by sitting at home one can get the entire news of the world by TV, this is possible only because of globalization. Globalization in media has also made us aware about the economical and political conditions of a particular country but also provides us with entertainment of all sorts. The Cultural and traditional issues are focused by the television through movies, serials, reality shows and advertisements. Shrinking world role of air transport super freighters Developments in transport technology have played a major role in globalization. Over 100 years ago, the Industrial Revolution changed the nature of transport with the invention of the steam engine and the combustion engine. Since then, technological development in the transportation industry has affected transformation in road, rail, sea and air travel. Transport for personal use has improved dramatically. Cars are now built to be faster, safer, more fuel efficient and therefore cheaper to run, as well as being more environmentally friendly and costing less to purchase. Airline transport has also enabled the expansion of tourism and trade across continents. Although passenger planes only began to move groups of people around half a century ago, they have dramatically improved within that time. Airline travel has not only become more affordable in the last 20 years but it has also become faster. In the mid-1930s, eleven people could fit into an aircraft on a flight from London to Bangkok which took eight days. In 2002, almost 400 passengers could take the same journey in just ten hours. The advancement in the fields of transport and communication has made those regions excess able which were earlier in access able. The vast network of roadways, railways, waterways and airways across the countries has linked each nook and corner of this world with the other. Transportation and communication have reduced not only distances but also the time taken for covering these distances. The time of travel is reduced considerably due to the presence of fast means of transport like Aero plane and super fast trains. Due to communication facilities such as mobile phones, Emails, SMS one can talk and see and interact with people sitting thousands of kilometers away. The Internet provides us with not only worldwide interaction but also world wide information. The inter connectivity of people, services and institutional across the world has brought the world closer and closer making it a kind of global society, a global village. Hence it would be right to say that todays world is shrinking. Transport has also changed the way we do business. Super tankers have increased the scale of trade between countries, as these massive container ships are able to carry larger quantities of goods, including oil and grain. As a result, trade has become increasingly international. Innovations in transport often involve the use of information and communication technology. Larger aircraft and container ships use satellite navigation systems, and computers to function. Attempts are also being made to make transport more affordable and also more environmentally friendly by utilizing things such as solar power, electricity and ethanol fuel. In conclusion globalization reflects our identity and connects us to the rest of the world. The science and technology makes the world globalized and in turn reflects the theory of convergence and promotes cultural identity. Where it has benefited a lot of countries on one hand, on the other it has also generated significant international oppositions over all the issues that have increased inequality and environmental degradation. Globalization is definitely bringing the world together in order to create â€Å"one global world† but however one must understand its limitations and make the best use for the betterment of the nation and oneself by adopting the best of every nation’s culture. Media has always played a very important role in our society and for a long time it remained one of the methods of controlling people and their recreational time. As mention in the site (The Role of Media in the Society). The media hence provides different types of information in different ways in the form of newspaper, internet, television, magazine, radio etc. In fact it’s a very essential and simplified way to inform or simply to entertain the audience. As the process of globalization becomes more prominent the role of media and advertisement and consumerism also increases considerably. Therefore globalization is not just integrating trade, investment and financial markets but also integrating the consumer markets. At the same time the consumer receives an overflow of information through commercial advertising. However with the years progressing the methods and techniques of advertising have become sophisticated creating a better and much aware world and hence turning luxuries into necessities. As mention in the article. (Shah, 2006). Globalization in the media has definitely got some negative aspects to it but however the advantages are way more and therefore there is a remarkable progress in development in all economic, social, political, cultural and traditional aspects.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Chapter 13 and 14 Essay Example

Chapter 13 and 14 Essay Example Chapter 13 and 14 Essay Chapter 13 and 14 Essay Chapter 13 and 14 Name: Institution: Lecturer: Course: Date Chapter 13 and 14 Ch. 13: Intro- what is ‘soft diplomacy’ and what is its purpose? Diplomacy refers to the feature of international relations where one nations attempts to carry out negotiations with another nation. This is mainly aimed at promoting peace, culture, or for economics purposes. Soft diplomacy is the American aspect of promoting the American culture through the distribution of American movies to nations that showed sympathy to communism. The soft diplomacy was mainly aimed at discouraging communism through the promotion of American ideas in the effort of showing the benefits of consumer capitalism. How do audiences respond to cultural exports (such as Disney)? The audiences have been mostly critical to the production of meaning. This is because the government could not be able to determine or control the meaning and response of the cultural exports. This is because the meaning and response are judged on the ground and are based on the historical and cultural contexts, which are mainly different from those of the United States of America. However, there are many who have positively responded to cultural exports such as Disney. This is because it serves as a form of identity. For instance, there are many Japanese, who have taken the American culture and Disney positively because it serves as a form of self-identification. 1-jazz: what is ironic about the US sending a jazz musician to Europe? What is the significance of Jazz music? The irony in sending jazz to Europe is that although Jazz tends to fight the issue of racism by having talented white colored musicians together, the issue of racism is still rife in the United States of America. 2-carton: how many symbols of US consumerism can be found in the drawing? The main symbol of consumerism that is found on the drawing is the demand for more and thereby leading to conflicts in the society especially in the family set up. 3-Disney: what is its appeal, its power? Does it shape culture or reflect it? Disney has proven to be a very powerful instrument in marketing the American culture. Disney mainly reflects the American culture in the belief of fairy tales and happy conclusions. 4-McDonald’s: how do Taiwanese people use McDonald’s? What impact does it have on their traditions? The Taiwanese use the McDonald’s premises as a social place and thus tend to spend much time there than their counterparts in the united states of America. There are those who chose the spot as relaxation venue by reading, thinking or simply chilling. There are those who chose the venue as a sport for conducting business meetings while others used the venue as a favorite spot for courtship purposes. This greatly influences their traditions because business meetings are no longer being conducted in offices nor is reading of novels being carried out in libraries or more quiet places. 5-Pokemon: how did the Japanese capture the US market? The producers captured the US market by allowing other companies to imitate the film. Although many companies sue for copyright infringement, the marketers of Pokemon allowed the production of an American version leading to the high acceptance in the local market. 6-hip hop: why did Ceza choose rap as his form of music? He chose to rap because he identified with the social struggle that is mainly conveyed in the rap songs. The music helped him to express himself and resist the things that he mostly disliked. Essays: What is globalization? How is it experienced? Globalization is the growing interdependence and influences either for commercial, political or cultural purposes globally. It is mainly experienced when one nation’s culture, economic or political landscape influences or is influenced by that of another nation. What is time-space compression? This is an effect of globalization where the word is seemingly becoming smaller because it is now easy to reach any part of the world through electronic media, satellite television and the internet. Are the receiving cultures weak? Are they simply being injected with US businesses without thought or resistance? The receiving cultures cannot be deemed as weak. Many societies tend to accommodate changes and thus leading to the wide acceptance of the American culture in these nations. The marketing of the American products and culture also tends to appeal to peoples of these nations. Are commodities culture? Commodities are not culture but are aspects of a given culture. The rap albums being sold are not the hip-hop culture but are mainly means of expression used by those of the hip-hop culture. What are the 2 contrary effects of globalization? The two contrary effects of globalization are that it leads to the promotion of one culture while it leads to the degradation of another. As one society adopts the cultural aspects of another community, it mainly abandons its past cultural practices to take up the new. How does ‘the authentic’ reappear in this context? The authentic will often reappear because the global is a pan of the local. This means that there are some aspects of the local culture present in the global culture. The adaptation of the global culture therefore results in the reappearance of some aspects of the authentic culture. The Americanization of Turkey occurred how? What are the results and concerns? The Americanization of turkey occurred through the marketing of American commodities in turkey. Commodities are aspects of a given culture and thus if the commodity is appealing, then the culture is also bound to be accepted. This results in the abandonment of the local culture for the new culture in this case the American culture. Ch. 14: Intro How is the Internet shaping the world, popular culture, and people’s lives? The internet facilitates the global interaction people from all over the world. This enables people to experience new cultures hence promoting popular culture. This leads to the change in people’s lives as many abandon their native cultures and adopt popular culture. What questions are being asked again as people appropriate this new media? The main questions being asked with the increasing use of the internet is whether the facility is promoting some cultures at the expense of others. The use of the internet has led to the globalization of some cultures whereas some are now becoming extinct. docs-What do each of these articles bring to the debate? Why were they included in the chapter? The two articles show how the internet and other interactive media facilitate the convergence of culture and how their use can lead to both positive and negative receptions and interpretations. Do people participate more or less in electronic games than in earlier versions of entertainment? Do they have control of the outcomes? Statistics indicate that there is growth in the number of persons engaging in electronic games as opposed to earlier versions of entertainment. This is mainly because the electronic games seem more appealing and exiting than the earlier versions.

Friday, November 22, 2019

ART110 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ART110 - Essay Example Contour lines are predominantly used as well in the painting to add to the visual effect of the real images of the clouds, the tigers and lions as well as the hunters. Short broken lines gave realization to the texture of the horse’s mane and tail, the lions’ and tiger’s hair and claws as well as the hunter’s clothes and bodies. The blend of primary colors created just the right hues to bring real pigments to the animals and men. The saturation of colors on the gray horse’s mane brings a bright effect reflecting the additive light’s natural influence on the artwork in contrast to the dull colors created in the middle and bottom part of the painting. The illusionistic three dimensional space presented in the painting add color and action to the drama between the animals and hunters, giving it a seemingly photographed picture of real events. The proportion of the images is realistic as well. Reference Kleiner, Fred S. Gardner’s Art Throu gh the Ages: A Concise History of Western Art (2nd Edition). USA: Cengage Learning, 2010. Print

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Petrobras and cost of capital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Petrobras and cost of capital - Essay Example Petrobras was operating in a higher risk environment due to Brazil’s economic turbulence. The cost of debt for any given company is the cost of raising extra revenue by issuing the debt. Likewise, the cost of equity refers to that extra revenue associated with issue of the equity shares. The cost of capital therefore is derived from the average value of issuing the two in the proportion capital they present and this is what is referred to as the WACC (weighted average cost of capital) as to be discussed later in this paper. For a company like Petrobras, the financing costs can be derived by use of the WACC. The major players in the multinational oil industry as indicated in exhibit 1 of the case have almost a similar cost of capital ranging from 7.6% of BP to 9.0% of ocean energy indicating an average difference of 1.4%. Petrobras’ cost of capital is further up at 15% reflecting a massive difference of 6%. This is largely attributed to the company’s distinct domestic involvement in terms of its operations. The company is largely owned by the government and hence it was solely producing for a Brazilian market in the quest to eliminate its over dependence on international oil imports. This is despite the economic turbulence of the country’s economy that has been characterized by fluctuations in interest rates, inflation rates, local currency depreciation among other economic downfall, which is further reflected into the company’s CA.... erations made investors assign it the country risks assigned to similar firms operating in the country and as a consequence, the cost of capital was significantly raised. There are sentiments by analysts that the company’s CA ought to have been excluded from the â€Å"burden† of the respective additional costs incurred from Brazil's sovereign spread during the derivation of kd (cost of debt) and derived capital or equity (Antweiler 2005). This will ensure that the risk bored or characterized by the company’s operations are optimally constituted hence bringing its cost of capital at par with similar companies. This is the main reason why the company embarked on expansion in the South American markets like Argentina, as mentioned in the case. Petrobras's WACC Analysis To begin, there are two ways that companies may use to evaluate their cost of capital: the first one is by use of expected equity cash flow and the required rate of return whereas the second approach focuses on the use of free cash flow and the weighted average cost of capital. The WACC calculation for Petrobras uses comparable companies to produce a single discount rate. This is despite of the fact that an industry average WACC is the most appropriate for Petrobras on a long-term basis. Suppose there exists any short-term differences between the industry WACC and Petrobras's WACC, then it goes that Petrobras will be more likely to go back to the industry WACC on a long-term basis. The company’s WACC calculation uses Petrobras's highest risk free rate, because no investment can have a cost of capital that is better than risk free. This situation may occur if the beta is negative and Petrobras uses a significant proportion of equity capital. While the company had decided to implement an

Monday, November 18, 2019

What role does Lex Mercatoria Play in international commercial Essay

What role does Lex Mercatoria Play in international commercial contracts - Essay Example XX century was marked by the rapid surge in international economic relations, which led to an increase of the world trade volume and accelerated the trade turnover between partners from different countries. But amid the dynamic changes of relations in the international commercial turnover, the legal regulation of these relations did not undergo a radical transformation. Such means as collision and substantive rules of national legislation of parties in dispute or the provisions of international contracts were traditionally used. However, in recent years the existence of a certain group of relations, which regulation goes beyond the specified levels, manifested itself. These are relations developing in the process of international trade implementation. Trade has always been a key element in international relations. Due to trade, the exchange of knowledge, customs and traditions among different peoples occurred. Trade also encouraged the development of other economic activities (e.g., banking, insurance and so on.) Any actively developing phenomena require adequate regulation; otherwise, it is impossible to achieve the objectives, pursued by members of the international commercial trade. In this case, the mechanism of regulation must meet, on the one hand, the interests of the market, and, on the other - the needs of the participants of trade relations (Selden, 1995). Objective reality of today is the inability of national legislations to fully resolve the whole range of problems, arising in the process of international commercial

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Introduction Of KFC In Mauritius

Introduction Of KFC In Mauritius The necessity for all human being is eating which is observably a daily action. For eating at restaurants, it depend on an individuals reason and is intentionally or instinctively assess by a multifarious set of attributes ahead before choosing a restaurant. Thus, this study is to investigate how much service quality has an impact on customer satisfaction and retention especially in our Mauritian context at KFC. As there is a casual inter-relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality, this study aims to find out the effectiveness of the service dimensions of service quality which leads to customer satisfaction and finally to retention at KFC. An individual feeling of pleasure and disappointment is known as satisfaction and the customer satisfaction is very important for any organization. All the main aspects will be analyzed and recommendations will be drawn out for better improvement. Company Background History Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952 and its primary focus is fried chicken. KFC also offers grilled and roasted chicken products, wraps, salads, sandwiches and desserts as well beef based products outside the USA. Although the death of Sanders in 1980, he remains a vital part of the firms branding and advertisements, and Colonel Sanders or The Colonel is a metonym for the company itself. In 1991, the abbreviated form of its name KFC was adopted by the company. The Present KFC operates more than 5,200 restaurants in the United States and more than 15,000 units around the world. In 109 countries and territories around the world, KFC daily serves more than 12 million customers. KFC is world famous for its Original Recipe fried chicken, made up of 11 herbs and spices secretly blended together. Colonel Harland Sanders perfected more than a half century ago. Based on the Fortune 500 List, KFC is ranked on 239 positions with revenues in excess of $11 billion in 2008. Introduction of KFC in Mauritius With time, consumers were more demanding for large variety of food and then, the first KFC outlet was launched in Mauritius-1983. Pick N Eat is the company which operates the KFC franchise in Mauritius. KFC has carved a solid reputation as a quick service restaurant which provides quality products and service. Across our island, 18 outlets are spread out and 10,000 customers daily are enjoying their finger-linking favorites in the consumer-friendly environment. Background of the program In the fierce competition, the market trend has changed noticeably from agricultural to service market. The service sector especially fast food industry is in a rapid growth and gain a sustainable position in the market due to lack of time to prepare food and dual income families. All of the fast food businesses are trying their best to improve their service quality in order to make customer satisfied and return back to them again. They are concentrating more on service quality in order to meet the needs and expectations of the customer. The more satisfied the customers are, the more likely they are to return to the restaurant. The fast food industry has undoubtedly not been free from either augmented competition or from increasing customer expectations regarding quality. In the fast food industry, the perceived quality holds a great importance to create a retention effect for customers. So the fact is that when the service providers are able to satisfy its customers with good manage rial arrangement, the foods quality provided, have efficient staff, then a positive outcome is seen in customers retention in a particular restaurant. Problem Statement Service quality is a vital strategy for any restaurants, success and repeat business and it has long been defined by adopting a rather more customer-oriented view and not by the restaurateur-oriented (Saleh and Ryan, 1991). Customer is the key role in any business, without any customer it is difficult to do business. It is necessary to work closely with your customer. As customers can also create your business, thus, customer is the major part of business and also in the market. Business runs through customer, without the customer there is no business. Due to the increasing competition with other restaurants and quality-conscious customers, it is vital to carry out this research. There is a need for further improvement in order to face the competitors and meet the increasing customers expectation concerning quality. Based on the actual service quality performance of KFC, it is important to identify if customers are satisfied with the current situation and are likely to retain at KFC or switch to other competitors. Also, to find out the factors of service quality that leads to customer satisfaction and retention. From the above reasons, it is important that the service performance meets or exceeds customers and their expectation, the customer will be satisfied. Service quality is an antecedent of customer satisfaction. Therefore, this warrants a study to assess the customers expectation and perception, examine its discrepancy gaps and the service quality dimensions that influence customer satisfaction and retention. Research Objectives -To determine customers expectation and perception level towards service quality. -To identify the discrepancy gap between customers expectation and perception level towards service quality. -To identify the SERVQUAL dimensions which have an influence on customer satisfaction and retention? Research Questions -What is customers expectation and perception towards service quality? -What is the discrepancy gap exist between customers expectation and perception towards service quality? -What are the SERVQUAL dimensions which have an influence on customer satisfaction and retention? Aims of the study This study is to find out whether the service dimensions have an impact on customer satisfaction and retention at KFC by using the SERVQUAL Model by Parasuraman, Zenithaml, and Berry (1988). It will also explore the service aspects that affect and influence customer satisfaction and retention. Significance of the study This study will act as a practical guideline for KFC, especially for the management and the front line employees which may increased a higher level of customer satisfaction in the near future. The results of this quantitative assessment of service quality may provide some insights into how customers rate the service and assessed customer satisfaction at KFC. The outcomes will utilize as a basis to improve their existing service quality or to develop a new one in order to meet with the customers needs and satisfy them. Furthermore it will help KFC managers to know if they are providing services according to the norms established by customers. The management will be able to come up with a strategy for upgrading their service quality which will definitely lead to customer satisfaction and retention. All these views of customers will help KFC to remedy problems if there are and maintain their service quality. Phases of the discussion Introduction In the first chapter, the problem area is discussed with a deeper understanding regarding the research. The problem discussion ends with a research objectives and questions. In the end of this chapter, the contributions of this research are also presented. Literature Review In the literature review, the service qualitys impact on customer satisfaction and retention is discussed with the following purposes of assessing customers expectation, customers and employees perception, identifying their gaps and the influencing service quality aspects. Research Methodology ************************************* Analysis ************************************************* Conclusion and Recommendation ******************************************************** Conclusion The first chapter provided us a background to the outline of the dissertation. It contained the research context, which is, identify the problems, and establish its aims and its objectives, set out the research questions and finally present the outline of the study. Chapter 2- LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter will give an overview of literature and models that presented by writers and journalists. It will support the research objective presented in the previous chapter. The chapter will elaborate the concepts of service, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer retention, service quality dimensions, the gaps and others. 2.2 Fast Food Industry The fast food industry is also known as Quick Service Restaurants (QSR) and has been serving delicious food for as long as people lived on. The fast food generally refers to the food served to customers in form of packaged for takeout or on the spot with minimum preparation time. The Mauritian fast food industry was primarily started with the famous dholl-puri and is still in great demand. But, due to globalization, the fast food industry has gradually breakthrough the Mauritian lifestyle. The consumer demand has evolved as they demand for a variety of food in a comfortable, stylish place and for busy people a quick bite at all times of the day. Today, these products form part of the Mauritian lifestyle and culture. People look for the convenience in order to improve their lives and productivity. Recent studies have shown that one out of every two-and-a-half-meal today is eaten away from home (Kara et al 1997). The fast food industry is not without its challenges. There is an increased focus on the quality of food served in the fast food restaurants. But, in this fierce competition of today, the right marketing approach and application of service quality is vital to compete with competitors as well as retain customers. The fast food industry is large and diverse in itself with lots of opportunities that challenge is being answered with new offerings and strategies to lure consumer back in. In the new emerging fast food industry, KFC is expanding in accordance with the customers demand despite the environmental problems and provide its potential to give a meal in a pleasant atmosphere. Jang Namkung (2009) proposed three factors: service and product quality as well as the atmospherics element are considered as the main restaurant attributes affecting the perceived quality of customers experiences at a restaurant. The total dining experience in a restaurant is comprised of not only food itself, but also the atmosphere (physical aspects) and the service provided. Thus, the fast food industry is based on the principles of quality food served fast and requires fast-reaction solutions to customers needs if they want to satisfy and retain customers. 2.3 Service There are many definitions concerning the concept of service by researchers. The term service was describe by the author Gronroos (1983) as: An activity or series of activities of more or less intangibles nature that normally, but not necessarily, take place in interactions between the customer and service employees and/or physical resources or goods and / or systems of service provider, which are provided as solutions to customer problems. Another definition was given by the author (Payne, 1993) said that service is Any primary or complementary activity that does not directly. Produce a physical product that is, the non-goods part of the transaction between customer and provider. Whereas Kotler et. al. (1999) is of opinion the service is regarded as any activity or benefit that one party offers to another which is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything, and it may or may not be tied to a physical product. Normally, lots of people are involved in a s ervice process and it is tough to do an analysis of service or to duplicate the same service exactly. In today market, products heavily rely on its service to acquire competitive advantage and to satisfy customers needs. Each authors mentions service as an exchange between the service provider and customers as well as its intangibility nature. The most vital point is simply the participation of the customer in the service process. KFC provides quality product and service with full customers interaction. 2.4 Service Quality In the service industry, service quality has become a crucial tool. Practitioners are more interested in the concept of service quality which has an advantageous effect on the outcome performance for the company. Service quality is a critical element of customer perceptions as well as in determining customer satisfaction. Various experts have defined service quality differently. Parasuraman et al. (1985) proposed a formal definition of service quality as the degree and direction of discrepancy between customers service perception and expectation. Satisfaction occurs when the expectations meet or exceed the performance level whereas customer dissatisfaction occurs when the expectation is below the perceived quality. Asubonteng et al. (1996) defines service quality as the extent to which a service meets customers need and expectation. Hooley, Saunders and Piercy (2004) A prime factor in differentiating the product or service from that of competitors is quality. Quality concerns the fit ness for purpose of a product or service. For manufactured products that can include the durability, appearance or grade of the product while in services it often comes down to the tangible elements of the services, the reliability and responsiveness of the service provider, the assurance provided of the value of service and empathy, or caring attention, received. According to these authors, the service quality is normally the customer perceptions and the organizations activities together with delivering quality service that matched to customer expectations on a consistent basis. Service quality is a key survival of all restaurants as it is the most powerful competitive weapon that can be used against competitors and to attract as well as to retain customers. These authors highlights that two main factors affect the quality of a services, that is, expected service and perceived service. 2.5 SERVQUAL Approach The SERVQUAL framework has come up for the purpose to improve service quality in services and retailing organizations as it has suggest that customer satisfaction is based on multiple factors rather than one. The SERVQUAL method was developed by Parasuraman et al. in 1988 as a technique used to perform a gap analysis of an organizations service quality performance against customer service quality needs. Parasuraman et al. (1988) came up with five dimensions (grouped with 22 attributes) to measure service quality which is responsiveness, assurance, tangibility, empathy and reliability. The SERVQUAL instrument is regarded as a reliable method of measuring service quality (explore customers expectation and perceptions), which in turn leads to a measurement of customer satisfaction. Internationally, KFC already have a service quality assurance team for regular surveys with a theory known as CHAMPS (consist of cleanliness, hospitality, accuracy, maintenance, the standard of product quality plus service speed). This is to evaluate the customers experience whether they are satisfied or not with the products and services. In Mauritius, KFC has already executed the theory of service quality and conduct survey concerning the services. Thus, in the study, the SERVQUAL method will be used for further research work. 2.5.1 SERVQUAL Dimensions In 1985, Parasuraman et al. has identified ten determinants for measuring service quality which are as follows: responsiveness, reliability, access, competence, courtesy, credibility, communication, security, tangibility and understanding or knowing the customer. Later, in 1998, Parasuraman et al. refined the model to the useful acronym RATER:- Reliability It is defined as the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately or delivering on its promises (Zeithaml et al., 2006, p. 117). It is one of the most important service components for customers as it implies doing it right the first time. The service organizations need to keep its promise and maintain an error free record. The reliability factors are efficiency in the billing system, consistency in serving customers, and the staff performs tasks that have been promised to guests and well trained staff. For the food beverage industry, reliability can be interpreted to mean fresh food delivered at the correct temperature and accurately the first time (Andaleeb Conway, 2006). In the Mauritian context, KFC has its own training center recognized by the franchisor for their staff. The chicken is prepared on the spot and they make sure that the service delivery is consistent and timely. The most significant policy of KFC is evaluating the customers experience with its service, whether they are satisfied or not. They can also put their comments and suggestions for further improvements of the products and services of KFC. Assurance Assurance is defined as the employees knowledge and courtesy and the service providers ability to inspire trust and confidence (Zeithaml et al., 2006, p. 119). The assurance factors are staffs knowledge about the menu, safety, security, trustworthy and friendly staff. Customers are more likely to use tangible evidence to assess the assurance dimension such as awards or special certificates which give a new customer confidence. KFC has achieved National Quality Awards and have a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) program is implemented in order to identify, evaluate and control any physical and environmental hazards in the work place. And the logo of HACCP is visible in every restaurant as an assurance dimension. Tangibility Tangible is defined as the physical facilities, equipment, staff appearance and others. In accordance with the author, Zeithamal et al. (2006) this dimension is comprised to the current appearance and shape of the cutlery, the restaurants interiors decor, silverwares and the uniform of the staff, the layout and appearance of the menu list, restaurant signage and advertising campaign. Tangibles are used by firms to convey image and signal quality (Zeithaml et al., 2006). Customers use this dimension to evaluate the quality. KFC has its own evidence of its service in terms of products, packaging, printed and visual marketing materials, websites, and staff appearance, virtual evidence of handling queries and feedback through Facebook and other online services. Empathy Empathy is the extent to which caring individualized service is given to a customer. The customer is treated as a king. Many small companies use this ability to provide customized services as a competitive advantage over the larger firms (Zeithaml et al., 2006). The empathy components are willingness to handle requests, give individualized attention to customers, and show enthusiasm to serve and to answer to all queries accurately. Empathy may be important to ensure customer loyalty as the server knows how the customer likes his or her food prepared. In return, the customer is easily approach and spell out their needs to the service provider. If a company looks its customer as an individual, as result, the company will come out as a winner. KFC take care of each individual customer by providing the meal according to the customer requirement. Such as, a meal can be upgraded by adding cheese, pineapple, tomato, plain or spicy chicken as per the customers taste. Before launching a new product, KFC take care of its customers opinion into consideration through Facebook and keep continuous communication with the customer through regular survey. Responsiveness Responsiveness is defined as the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service (Zeithaml et al., 2006, p. 117). The responsiveness factors are short waiting period for the service delivery, attend complaints quickly, availability of staff when needed and restaurants action upon customer suggestions. In order to be responsive, a service provider has to determine how long it would take to get answer or to solve a problem. To be successful, companies need to look at responsiveness from the view point of the customer rather than the companys perspective (Zeithaml et al., 2006). This dimension captures the notion of flexibility and ability to customize the service according to the customer needs. KFC handle complaints quickly especially through Facebook and the staff are willing to help customer as well as keeping in mind for short waiting period in service delivery. 2.5.2 Service Quality Gaps Model In 1990, Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry have developed a survey instrument to measure the gap between customers expectation for excellence and their perception of actual service delivered. The SERVQUAL model uses the terms that describe one or more determinants of a quality service encounter. Gronroos (1982), Lewis and Booms (1983); Parasuraman et al. (1985) have the same opinion that the most frequently used approach to measure service quality is SERVQUAL to compare the customers expectation prior to the service encounter and their perception after the actual service delivery. Basically, there are seven principal gaps in the service qualitys concept, out of which Gap 1, Gap 5 and Gap 6 are more associated with the external customers as they have a direct relationship with customers. Figure 2.1: SERVQUAL or Gaps Model (Zeithaml Parasuaman Berry 1988 Gap 1: Management perceptions of consumer expectations and Customers expectations and It is the knowledge gap which portrays the difference between the management beliefs about customers, expectations and what customers actually need and expect. This gap happens when there is insufficient flow of communication upwards, lack of marketing research orientation and too many level of management. Gap 2: Management perceptions of consumer expectations v/s service specifications It is a policy gap where a difference occurs between management perceptions regarding customers expectations and service specifications are set for service delivery. The reasons for this gap are unfeasibility, inadequate commitment to service quality and task standardization as well as an absence of goal setting. Gap 3: Service quality specifications opposite service delivery It is the difference between the service specifications and the service delivery teams actual performance on these specifications. The gap is a result of poor employee-job fit, lack of perceived control and lack of teamwork. Gap 4: Service delivery v/s external communication to customers The communication gap is the difference between what the company communicates and what is actually delivers to the customer. It is due to inadequate horizontal communications and propensity to over- promise. Gap 5: The discrepancy gap between customers expectations and customers perceptions of the service delivered It is the difference between what has actually delivered and what customers feel they have received. Customer expectations are influenced by the extent of personal needs, past service experiences and word of mouth recommendation. The difference occurs when customers are influenced and service provider has shortfalls. Gap 6: The discrepancy gap between customer expectations from the service provider and employees perceptions of consumers expectations The service quality gap is what the customers expect to receive and their perception of the service that is actually delivered. There is a difference in the understanding of customer expectations by front-line service provider. Gap 7: The discrepancy gap between employees perceptions and management perceptions of consumers expectations This gap is mainly an internal difference in the organization such as differences in understanding of customer expectations between management and employees. 2.6 Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is the heart of marketing. Customer satisfaction is the customers evaluation of the service or product against if their needs and expectations are meant. For any restaurant, customer satisfaction is more important as it forms a part of marketing. In past years, customer satisfaction was not that important but today it is the most important issue in term of the most reliable feedback for a restaurants excellency. Richard L. Oliver (1997, P.13) define customer satisfaction as Satisfaction is the consumers fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment. Customers satisfaction is highly influenced by their characteristics, their emotional responses and their perceptions of equity. As Kotler (2000, p.36) defined that satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (or ou tcome) in relation to his or her expectation. If the performance didnt meet the expectation of the customer, then dissatisfaction will occur. If the performance exceeds the customers expectation, then satisfaction will occur. If the performance exceeds more than expected, then the customer will delighted. In the context of customer satisfaction, Johnston and Clark (2005) have describe it as Service as the combination of outcomes and experience delivered to and receives by a customer. Customers therefore judge the quality of the service on the experience as well as the outcome. Due to current competitive edge, customers are abreast with the fact of product quality and every service provider is interested to satisfy customers needs and wants. All of three authors explain customer satisfaction as a bunch of desired expectations of a customer that has been fulfilled by the service provider. But, Richard L. Olivers definition is more applicable in this research work which emphasis that satisfaction is based upon service itself. KFC take care for its customer satisfaction by providing an online questionnaire on its website regarding customer satisfaction. 2.7 Customer Retention Lovelock (2004) illustrates importance of customer retention The hardest part of a business is customer retention. If a company does not retain its customers, inevitably it will fail. Marketing essentially means keeping customer loyalty. In order to have a good lifetime value of customers, an organization needs to have good strategies to retain them and arouse loyalty within them for lifetime. Laura Lake (2010) defined Customer retention is not only a cost effective and profitable strategy, but in todays business world its necessary. This is especially true when you remember that 80% of your sales come from 20% of your customer and clients In the starting point of a business, customer retention is very important as the cost involved in attracting new customers are five times higher than retaining an existing one. Hill and Alexander (2006) defined It is becoming accepted that there is a strong link between customer satisfaction, customer retention and profitability. By fulfilling cust omer expectation, an organization provides all service according to the customers preferences and in return, the customer is loyal to the organization. It makes profit for the organization and organization has to retain by providing continuous good services, better customer satisfaction and that will be profitability for the organization. So, organization has to make strong relation with customers as high rates of customer retention are a competitive weapon against its competitors. By having a questionnaire always on the website, KFC is trying to take care of that small segment of customers who are satisfied or dissatisfied with its service quality. In this way, KFC tries to retain those happy customers than losing them. 2.8 Customers expectations and perceptions 2.8.1 Customers expectations Customer expectations are increasing day by day and demanding for quality products and services; therefore expectations play an important role in the formation of customer satisfaction. The term expectations really matters to companies because they want to know what customers expectations are. According to Oliver (1981) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ expectations are consumer-defined probabilities of the occurrence of positive and negative events if the consumer engages in some behavior. Customers form their expectations from their past experience, friends advice, and marketers and competitors information and promises. Organizations in order to keep expectations from rising, they have to perform services properly from the first time (Parasuraman et al. 1988). There is tendency that if a service is not delivered as promised, thus the customers expectations are likely to rise in the next encounter. Expectations serve as reference points in customers assessment of performance (Cronin Taylor, 1992). Th e purpose of trying to understand customers expectations is trying to ensure that service can be designed and delivered in order to meet those expectations. If the operation meets the expectations, or indeed exceeds them, then customers are satisfied with the service. If they are satisfied they are more likely to become valuable customers who not only use the service again, but are positively disposed towards it and may even recommend it to other Johnston and Clark (2005). Therefore, the perceived service quality is viewed as the difference between consumers perceptions and expectations for the service provided. 2.8.2 Customers perceptions Mc Kenna (2000) is of opinion that perception is a vital process in a persons life where he or she has to manage and interpret a situation or an event to define a particular respond. Service firms must understand the concept of service quality from the point of view of the customer, not from the view point of the service firm or service provider. Besides, customer perceives services in the response to quality pertaining to the service and the extent to which they are satisfied with the overall service with their experiences (Zeithaml and Bitner 2003). The customer satisfaction is determined by the customers perceptions and expectations of the service quality. Customer perceives services in terms of the quality of the service and how satisfied they are overall with their experience. The customers perception varies from customer to customer and each one has different beliefs towards the services that play a crucial role in determining customer satisfaction. Therefore, customer percepti on and customer satisfaction are very closely linked together, because if the perceived service is close to customers expectations it leads to satisfaction. Satisfied customers provide recommendations; maintain loyalty towards the company and customers in turn are more likely to pay price premiums (Reichheld, 1996). As such, perceived service quality is a key component of customer satisfaction. 2.9 Relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction A great emphasis need to be heightened on service quality and customer satisfaction. In old times, customers were not concerned about quality and their satisfaction does not have such importance. But, today,

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

W.E.B. Dubois: His Vision For Freedom Essay -- Racial Relations, Afric

African Americans during the 1900s lived lives full of uncertainty. They were no longer slaves, but still looked upon by many as inferior to the white race. However in this period of tension, there were men who sought to bring their race to new heights. One of these men was W.E.B Du Bois. Few have influenced the lives of African Americans in such a way as W.E.B Du Bois. The vision he had for African Americans was one that many found great hope in. He sought for the day that his race for finally have civil equality in every aspect of life. In the time of Du Bois, African Americans may have been considered free but still lacked many civil liberties, that the whites were easily granted. One of the biggest civil liberties they lacked was voting rights. To Du Bois voting for African Americans was one of his greatest hopes, he believed that â€Å"with the right to vote goes everything† (NMS 1). If African Americans could gain this right, the doors to other civil equalities would then open. However this was not such an easy tasks, there were so many â€Å"flagrant...political scandals that reputable men began to leave politics alone† (Son of Masters 5). The African American men and women had been so put down by the whites, that voting to them became too much of a hassle. Even though views toward voting seemed hopeless and a great hassle, Du Bois spoke out the with the biggest question of them all â€Å"It is possible, and probable, the nine million of men can make effective progress in economic lines if the y are deprived of political rights† (Du Bois 5)? How could African Americans build their lives, if they had no say in any of it? It was clear to Du Bois that voting was essential, without it his people would not be able to live equally among th... ...he separation and how these ugly vision that the races had of each other, made Du Bois realize that if African Americans could again regain the direct contact they once had with whites they may also begin to see the good in each other, and with this would come the general civil right they so desperately needed. They would be able, to choose who â€Å"to walk, to talk and be with (.NMS 2), where they wanted to watch a show, even how they got to that show. The general freedoms of everyday life is what Du Bois wished to see. African Americans in the 1900s may have not reached complete freedom just yet, but thanks to the men like Du Bois who took a stand, all hope was not lost. Du Bois brought a vision that with small victories in voting, education, and overall daily freedoms, the African American people would finally be seen as equal to their white brothers and sisters.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Positive Effects of Media on Children Essay

Many people argue that the media only brings negative effects on children, forcing the parents to constantly say â€Å"no† to their children’s requests. Parents argue that the media repetitively advertises junk food and things that may damage a child’s health; and they are forced to â€Å"counter the culture†, which means to stop the messages that the media is trying to deliver to their children. Although it may be true that some of what the media advertises is not good on big quantities for the children’s health, I believe that not everything the media presents is bad, as it has plenty of positive sides. Much of the kids’ programming shown on TV is meant to be educational, and teach the children different aspects of the world. By watching television and the media, the children discover what they truly like, what sports they’re interested in, what instruments they want to play, etc. Furthermore, the television advertisements can bring positive effects on the kids’ knowledge about everyday lives, and different aspects of such influence children positively. The use of social media and television has more positive effects than what it has negative, it is a key part of our current society and the minds of the children. Television acts as a meaningful teacher for children, as many programs that the kids watch are educational and cover aspects of the world in a way that it is understandable by children. Sesame Street has been one of the most influential TV show on children for over 35 years now, and it has shown to have positive results in the viewer’s learning skills and developing character. By watching Sesame Street, toddlers can learn much about cultural diversity, racial harmony, cooperation, kindness, and how to manage feelings and emotions. This show also teaches basic simple arithmetic and the alphabet to children, in such way that is easily understandable by the kids with no further explanation. Another show that has been greatly influential now is Curios George, which has been a PBS classic in the most recent years, and teaches viewers about problem solving skills. The monkey fellow encourages children to ask questions about the world, and find solutions through questioning. A study conducted by PBS shows that watching the episodes of Curious George boosts the knowledge of the young children about science and math. The children that are watching television today at their homes will eventually become the celebrities, stars and athletes of tomorrow. Every passion starts with a kid saying â€Å"I want to be like him when I grow up†, after watching the stars on TV. Kids watch sports, and decide what attracts them the most, and they discover their passion as they practice it. Currently the best basketball player in the world is Lebron James, who also had an idol as a kid: Michael Jordan. James says that his mom told him that you always want to be better than your idol, not like him; he watched Michael Jordan play with the bulls on TV, and he practiced basketball to discover his passion. Through this, Lebron James is already being compared with Michael Jordan and his ultimate goal is to be better than him but he explains that their aim is for children to be better than them when they grow up. Pop idol celebrities, like Justin Bieber also had idols when they were kids, who inspired them to grow towards their passion. Justin Bieber’s idol was Michael Jackson, who inspired him to become one of the most influential teen celebrities in the current world. The children of today might tomorrow be celebrities and may say they were inspired by Justin Bieber, or other current celebrities. One of the most controversial aspects of social media is the advertisement, as parents claim that too much junk food is advertised, forcing parents to say â€Å"no† to their children. However, advertisements are also one of the positive aspects of television, as it promotes general knowledge about decision making to children. It is shown that some alcohol manufacturers spend about 10% of their budget advertising the dangers of drinking. These include drinking and driving, excess drinking of alcohol, and alcohol related sicknesses and diseases. By watching these advertisements, the children are able to make the decisions of not drinking, or not drinking and driving; this can eventually reduce the dangers that the children are exposed to, and may even reduce the deaths of people. The tobacco companies also spend a good amount of money on advertisements about the dangers of smoking, and the possible consequences. Television often also advertises products that are good for the children’s health and development. Studies show that milk consumption has significantly increased since the implementation of broadcast advertisements on television. Milk and other essential dieting products are shown attractive to children to increase their consumption, and improve their growth and health. There are three types of people: the ones who think that every aspect of the social media is bad for our children; the ones who think that social media may have some positive aspects; and then there are the people who follow the studies and base their opinions on facts, who believe that the social media is good for our children. Various TV programs such as Sesame Street and Curious George engage the kids in entertaining knowledge, through which they are able to learn about diverse topics. The stars and idols of tomorrow are the children watching TV today, the kids who are inspired by that athlete, by that celebrity, or that scientist; restricting television for kids would mean prevailing them from growing their passions and becoming who they want to be. Advertising companies spend huge amounts of money on creating conscience among kids about the problems related to drugs, alcohol, social problems, and bad nutrition. Through TV ads the children are able to make the right decisions in life, and are being informed about the problems they may face in their future lives. The television has a huge positive influence on children, as it promotes education, making right decisions, and finding their passion. Times have changed; we are in the 21st century, which is prevailed by technology and the social media. Television is now a common part of our children’s lives, and it makes positive changes in them, on the education, and their lives. Social media has an infinite amount of positive effects on children, and its growth must be encouraged, as those positive aspects will also grow with it. References Paulsen, Christine, Ph. D. â€Å"Evaluation of Curious George. † PBS. Concord Evaluation Group, May 2012. Web. 19 Aug. 2013. Anthony, Ford-Jones, Ph. D. â€Å"Impact of Media Use on Children and Youth. † National Center for Biotechnology Information. Canadian Paediatric Society, May-June 2003. Web. 19 Aug. 2013.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

buy custom Analysis of the Napoleonic War essay

buy custom Analysis of the Napoleonic War essay The Napoleonic War refers to a sequence of wars that were pronounced against the Napoleon's French Empire between 1792 and 1815 by the opposing coalitions. The increasing discontent with the Feudal Government of France has led to the French Revolution in 1789, drawing the attention of every European nation. What followed was violence and worldwide involvement that triggered nonstop war for over two decades, as different competing empires tried to impose their opinions regarding power balance. The Napoleonic War era can be classified into two occurrences: The French Revolution, as well as the Napoleonic Empire. The revolution has led to the collapse of the old French Government, after which it was replaced by a series of vicious civilian administrations. The peak of the violence saw the king; King Louis and his queen being brutally murdered; an act which incited European nations to be against France and guarantee that they would not cooperate with it. The unsuccessful invasion of Russ ia by France in 1812 has led to the collapse of the French power. Napoleon troops successfully managed to conquer a major part of Europe and, consequently, Napoleon Bonaparte, who was an intelligent and charismatic army general, took over the control of France. Napoleons presence as the leader of France complicated the political landscape of Europe, and increased the environment for confrontation till one of the two conflicting sides was defeated. The Napoleonic Empire suffered a military defeat in 1815 at Waterloo, bringing to an end the Napoleon Wars and bringing back of a monarch to Paris. Carl Von Clausewitz's Paradoxical Trinity Clausewitz's Paradoxical Trinity is composed of a) pre-historic violence, hatred, and hostility which are considered as a blind natural force; b) the game of chance and probability, in which there is freedom for creative spirits to roam; and c) element of subordination, which is used as a policy to make the ruled see reason. That is to say, the passion that triggers a war must be intrinsic in the people; the extent of the game of talent and bravery in the realm of chance and probability is dependent on the specific character of the commandant and his army; while the political aims are left solely to the government. Therefore, Clausewitz's Paradoxical Trinity consists of the people, the commandant and his army, and government, and not violence, chance and reason as some people presume. The people are concerned with the nature of the war; the army is concerned with how the war is conducted, while the government is concerned with the purpose of the war. It is important to note that all the three magnets must be dedicated to war, in other case; the disproportion may result into a defeat. This is confirmed in the assertion by Clausewitz's that all the elements of the Paradoxical Trinity should be considered equally, despite their variable relationships and co-equal status. The strength of the relationship between the government and his military commanders determines greatly how effective the people are in employing foreign policy and military instruments in achieving the objectives of the war. In addition, the strength of the relationship of these magnets is dependent on the ability of the commander to communicate and people ability to understand the inherent linkage between nature, purpose and conduct of the war. Analysis of the Napoleonic War (1792-1815) From the Napoleons campaigns, it is apparent that the blind natural force, i.e. the violence that propelled the French troops across Europe to fight in the war, did not emanate from the people of France, but from general Napoleon himself, who had control over the army, as well as the government. Napoleons key military strategy was to identify and overcome the central force of the enemy. His aim was to break his opponents will to resist, making it easier for subsequent negotiations. This is evident in his own words when he said that he was confident that by crushing the central body of the enemy, the matters that followed would take care of themselves. Of importance to note, is the close attention he paid to choosing his generals, as well as how he calculated the logistical requirements of his campaigns. He also synchronized his operations by ensuring that his troops routinely used accurate watches and maps. Napoleons unsuccessful invasion of Russia in 1812 that has led to the collapse of the French power was a blunder that historians blame on poor logistical planning. He concentrated on the general picture of the war, devising the overall plans for the battle and giving directions on combined attacks, but leaving the vital decisions of tactical employment to his soldiers. Being the head of the government, he used his powers to incorporate the military, diplomatic and political dimensions to help him to succeed in the war. Clausewitz's Paradoxical Trinity of government was largely employed in the war, as all events were controlled by Napoleon, who was the head of the French Government. It can be said that the cooperation of the military and the government, was the reason behind Napoleons success in the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805. The failure of the Peace of Amiens resulted in the British Government forming the Third Coalition which included Sweden, Austria and Russia in April of the same year. Following threats to attack Britain, General Napoleon sent over 200,000 troops to the East. He also invented the use of self-contained army corps. He used six corps, with each corps strong enough to work independently. This helped the troops to progress along a broader front, facilitating logistics and enhancing the pace at which they advanced. Napoleon was personally in Germany commanding his troops, and with the support of a majority of states in South Germany, he progressed to meet the Austrians who had taken over the control of Bavaria. Napoleons troops encircled the Austrians, who decided to surrender 30,000 of their men, without any fight, in Ulm. Following the surren der of Austrians, the Russians retreated. Napoleons then focused its attention on the Prussia troops who had plans of invading France but were unprepared. After the Peace of Pressburg came to an end, Napoleon declared war on Prussian soldiers, completely destroying them and earning an early success. As seen above, Napoleon, as the head of the government, was concerned with winning the war (purpose), and he used his powers to instruct his military officers on whom and when to attack. However, without the coooperation of the troops, the battle would not have been successful. Therefore, it can be said that the strong relationship between the French military commandants and their army and the Napoleon government has lead to the success of the Battle of Austerlitz. Other than the use of military might, propaganda was also employed in fighting the Napoleonic War, especially in the French Revolution. The support of the masses was vital, and, therefore, British and French governments used propaganda to rally their citizens to have belief in their countries. Through propaganda, soldiers were encouraged to battle bravely, while civilians maintained working to provide their countries with everything they needed. The aim of propaganda was to create nationalism and loyalty in the people so that they would willingly want to fight and even die protecting their countries. The use of propaganda required the cooperation of the government and the people for it to be a successful strategy for winning the war. For instance, the British Government tried to create a bad picture of France in the minds of its citizens by making them believe that France was a bully, and that the French revolution was a foreign risk that was against changing the political ways of Eu rope. The Britishs nationalist propaganda exploited the variations between French and Britain, successfully managing to convince the British nationals to hate France, even if they did not have a chance to find out the truth for themselves. Consequently, British nationals developed a strong love for their culture and country and fought to protect their country. Napoleon also extensively and masterfully used propaganda to climb to power, legitimize his rule and establish his picture in the minds of his subjects as a symbol of posterity. His propaganda mechanisms involved severe censorship and exercising control over all aspects of art, books, theater, as well as the press. Napoleons aim was to be depicted as the person to bring peace and stability that was very much needed in France. It is important to take note of the gradual changes in the propaganda methods used during Napoleons reign. Initially, his focus was on his function as a soldier and a general in the army, but later on the propaganda changed to depict his role as a civic leader and emperor. He targeted the civilians to make them have a belief in him that he was the one to change France. Though it was unexpected, he managed to cultivate an association with the contemporary art community, even being actively involved in the commissioning and controlling every art production to achi eve his propaganda goals. In conclusion, I would say that all the three magnets of the paradoxical trinity were very influential in understanding the Napoleonic War (1792-1815). This is because the people, the military and the government were all dedicated to the success of the war. Even if general Napoleon was defeated in the end, he managed to succeed in some of the battles e.g. the Battle of Austerlitz. It was through cooperation and hard work of the military commandants and their army, and the peoples support that Napoleon managed to take over the rule of France and fought in the war. Therefore, the three magnets are inseparable, they are all important for the success of a war. Buy custom Analysis of the Napoleonic War essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Window XP outline

Window XP outline Windows XP Professional, the most recent client operating system release from Microsoft, has many advantages over its predecessors, making it the logical choice for implementation throughout Riordan Manufacturing.Built on Windows NT architecture* A true 32-bit operating system* Fully protected memory* Additional protection for the kernel and device drivers to prevent corruptionSystem Improvements* System Restore allows the system to be reverted back to a selectable date* Recovery Console allows administrators to perform advanced recovery tasks* User State Migration provides a convenient mechanism to move user setting to a new computer* Safe Mode options are available to troubleshoot startup problems* Application Compatibility enhancements allows XP to run hundreds of programs that Windows 2000 failed to operate* Automatic install and update latest security and software from Microsoft (with SP2)* Start and log on computer faster* Perform several task at one time without missing a beat Software Enhancements* Fewer reboots required when installing new software* Easier installation and program removal routines* Genuine multitasking architecture provides stable performance when running multiple applications* Safer Browsing with Internet Explorer.Internet Explorer 8 in Windows 7* Make browsing more enjoyable with dramatically fewer pop-up ads.* Provide better protection from potentially harmful downloads.* Assist you in finding and controlling Internet Explorer add-ons.* Stop scripts that resize or reposition windows without your permission.* Offer stronger security for your PC with built-in security enhancements.* Safer E-Mail Handling with Outlook Express* Screen unsafe e-mail attachments that could potentially spread viruses.* Block some images that might confirm your e-mail address to spammers.* Internet Explorer Add-on Manager prevents add-on applications from crashing the browser* Supports several multimedia environments including radio, streaming video, and con ferencing* New user interface allows easier access to...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Excercise 3.1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Excercise 3.1 - Assignment Example The red color also implies stop and danger therefore stamping the perfumes title of the heat. Perfumes glass placed at the bottom right is bristle and clear. It also has a firm base showing stability and irresistibility of women who use the perfume (Beyonce Heat 1). Viktor & Rolf spicebomb is an attractive ad design. The image of a handsome young man holding the bottle implies the fragrance cozy, warm and composed nature. The masculine male shows that the product is designed for the gentle and handsome males in the society. Spicebomb’s bottle has a grenade shape thus qualifying the products name of ‘bomb’. In addition, spicebombs grenade and explosive nature implies the perfumes strength. Specifically, it signifies silage and the everlasting power of the fragrance thus sets it apart. The backgrounds grey shading creates a sense of calmness and confidence that the product creates. Black and white texts used in the ad improves the viewers or audiences public image. It also shows classism and perfumes distinct mainstream image. The title provides a seamless balance between intensity, elegance and subtlety (Rolf

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Maintaining & Improving Operations Research Paper

Maintaining & Improving Operations - Research Paper Example Cold chain ensures that the integrity of the food is maintained and the nutritional value and freshness of the food is retained. The pull-supply chain has enhanced the effectiveness and the efficiency of McDonald’s. The supply chain is further characterized by the adoption and implementation of technology. The fast-food restaurants have implemented the demand chain planning to enhance the delivery of their services. Maintaining & Improving Operations McDonald’s Background In 1937, Maurice and Richard McDonald created McDonald’s at a small drive-in restaurant in the east of Pasadena in California. The two brothers were able to develop assembly line and food processing techniques. In 1954, Ray Kroc (a milkshake-mixer salesperson) saw as chance and made a franchise deal with the McDonald’s which provided him with special rights to franchise McDonald’s products in America (Tassiopoulos, 2009). The business enterprise of Ray Kroc was based on the basic p rinciples of Q.S.C. &V. (Quality, Service, Cleanliness, and Value) (Svoboda, 1995). Harry Sonneborn (a business partner with Ray Kroc), introduced a method for leasing stores in 1956; the franchisees were to be sub-leased the stores at a premium of 40 percent. Finally, McDonald’s bought land for the franchisees. Eventually, McDonald’s became the world’s biggest owner of retail property. ... There are two categories of suppliers that supply food ingredients, Tier-1 and Tier-2 suppliers. Processors and growers (mainly poultry farms, potato and lettuce growers, and companies that produce coating systems that coat chicken and vegetable patties) make up Tier-2 suppliers. Tier-1 suppliers are supplied with the ingredients and process them, for example, into potato products such as potato hash browns, wedges, and French fries (McCain Foods India Pvt. Ltd does the processing), or into chicken and vegetable patties (they are processed by Vista Processed Foods Pvt. Ltd.). The effectiveness of the McDonald’s supply chain is attributed to the unique idea of outsourcing work. The supply chain of the company is 100 percent outsourced. The company believes in outsourcing everything to people who are experts in the subject matter (Cheema, 2011). A remarkable feature of McDonald’s supply chain is a network that consists of the movement of goods via a cold chain. The cold c hain is important because it maintains the integrity of the food products and it retains their nutritional value and freshness (Kulkarni and Lassar, 2009). The cold chain is made up of the suppliers and in other cases the lettuce growers. In general, the cold chain starts with the Tier-2 suppliers. It is worth noting that the cold chain has an innovative and interesting feature; this feature permits the same truck to carry products at various temperatures. These products include frozen products (temperature ranges from -18C to -25C), chilled products (temperature ranges from 1C to 4C) and dry products (carried at ambient temperatures). It is important to note that McDonald’s is the only organization that has successfully